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Arora, Dolly. The Victimizing Discourse Sex-Determination Technologies and Policy Economic and Political Weekly. Feb. 17, 1996. 31(7), p. 420-424.

Centre For Enquiry Into Health And Allied Themes. Report of the Regional Consultation on Responding to the Target Free Approach January 31 & February 1, 1997.p.16.

Centre For Health Studies. Women's Occupational and Reproductive Health: Research Evidence and Methodological Issues. Report of the Workshop 23-25 February, 1998. Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Organised by Centre For Health Studies, TISS, Mumbai, and International Labour Organisation, New Delhi. May 1999.

Forum For Medical Ethics. Quarterly Newsletter of the Forum for Medical Ethics. Suggested Guidelines for Hysterectomy in Mentally Handicapped Women

Guha, S.  From Dias to Doctors: The Medicalisation of Childbirth in Colonial India. IN Understanding Women’s Health Issues : A Reader. Kali. 1998. p. 228.

Hans, Gurmeet. Campaign for Promotion of Breastfeeding: Evolution, Experience and Future Directions The Indian Journal of Social Work. April 1998. 59(2).p.581-598.

Jesani, Amar. Banning Pre-Natal Sex Determination: The Scope and the Limits of the Maharashtra Legislation IN Understanding Women's Health Issues: A Reader. Edited by Lakshmi Lingam. 1998. P.228.

Karkal, Malini. Target Free Approach (TFA) and Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) as Population Policy. Paper Presented at VIIIth National Conference of Women's Studies, 30th May to 2nd June 1998, SNDT University, Pune, Maharashtra.

Karkal, Malini. Indian Women and Globalisation (Unpublished Article) November 27, 1996.

Karkal, Malini. Occupational and Health Rights of Women and Legal Protection Paper Presented at the Symposium on Women's Rights at the Workplace: the Emerging Challenges and Legal Interventions held at TISS, Deonar, 27th to 29th February 1996.

Karkal, Malini and others. Women, Health and Development. Radical Journal of Health. 1995. 1(1).p.25-34.

Khan, M E. . Reproductive Behaviour of Muslims in Uttar Pradesh. The Journal of Family Welfare. March 1997. 43(1).p. 13-29.

Kothari, D and Gulati, A. District Level Approach to Family Welfare Program in India : A Proposal for Effective Action. The Journal of Family Welfare. Dec 1993. 39(4).p.52-60.

Kulkarni, S. Abortion: Who is Responsible for Our Rights? Co-ordination Unit. World Conference on Women. Beijing 1995. Aug 1995 .p.76-82.

Mazumdar, K. Welfare - Rehabilitation or Dehumanization?. International Conference on Preventing Violence, Caring for Survivors: Role of Health Profession and Services in Violence. Nov 28-30, 1998, YMCA. p.70-81.

Mosse, Julia Cleves and Cassels, Andrew. Reproductive and Child Health in India: a Health Systems Development Agenda.  Social Change. Sep-Dec 1996. 26(3-4).p. 6-13.

Mukhopadhyay, S and Savitri, R. Economic Development, Population Policy and Reproductive Choice Poverty, Gender and Repproductive Choice: An Analysis of Linkages. Chpter 1. Manohar 1998.p.126.

Muraleedharan, V R. When is access to health care equal? Some public policy issues. Economic and Political Weekly 28 (25) June 19,1993. p.1291-1296. [Note: Commented by Niranjan Phukan in `Economic and Political Weekly' 28(32- 33), Aug 7-14, 1993]

Panandiker, V A P. and Umashankar, P K. Fertility Control-Induced Politics of India. Social Change. September-December 1994. 24(3&4).p.42-53.

PARYAY. Hysterectomy in the Mentally Handicapped. Issues in Medical Ethics. Aug-Oct 1994. 2(1).p.6-7.

Qadeer, Imrada. Reproductive Health: A Public Health Perspective. Economic and Political Weekly. Oct 10, 1998. 33(41).p.2675-2684.

Ramachandran, V. Shying Away From Sexuality: Government Reproductive Health Programme . Voices for Change: a Journal on Communication Development. April 1999. 3(1).p.19-21.

Rao, M. Quinacrine Sterilisations Banned. Health for the Millions. May-June 1998. P.14.

Srinivasan, Sandhya. Physican, Do No Harm. Issues in Medical Ethics. Jan 1998. 2(1). P. 22-25.

Swaminath, Mina. Breast Feeding, the Working and the Law. Centre for Women’s Studies. University of Mysore. May 31, 1993 to June 3, 1993. Vol. 4. P. 63-90.

Swaminathan, P. Reproductive Health from a 'Women and Work' Perspective: Issues for Consideration. Women on Track. Women's Health Studies Research Centre. July 1998. No.5.

Van Hollen, C. Moving Targets: Routine IUD Insertion in Maternity Wards in Tamil Nadu, India Reproductive Health Matters. May 1998. 6(11).p.98-105.

Varghese, M. RCH in the Context of Women's Health. Health for the Millions. May-June 1998. p. 16-17.

Vishnawath, L S. Efforts of Colonial State to Suppress Female Infanticide Economic and Political Weekly. 33(19) May 9, 1998. P.1104-1112.

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