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A Select Bibliography on Population Policies and Reproductive Rights. Social Change: September-December 1996, 26(3 and 4).p.286-290.

Biswas, S C and Paul, J C. Population projection and fertility for Bangladesh, 2020. The Journal of Family Welfare. Dec 1996. 42(4).p.45-50.

Bose, A. The Family Welfare Programme in India: Changing Paradigm IN The Family Welfare Programme in India. Edited by Hari Mohan Mathur. Vikas Publishing. 1995. P. 1-29.

Carlson, Margaret Catley. Population Policies and Reproduction Rights - Always in Conflict? Social Change. Sept.-Dec. 1994. 24(3and4). P.3-12.

Centre For Enquiry Into Health And Allied Themes. Report of the Regional Consultation on Responding to the Target Free Approach. January 31 and February 1, 1997.p.16.

Forum For Women's Health. Contraceptives: Our Choices, Their Choices
IN Our Lives Our Health, edited by Dr. Malini Karkal. Co-ordination Unit. World Conference on Women - Beijing. Aug 1995 .p.191.

Johansson, A and others. Population Policy, Son Preference and the Use of IUDs in North Vietnam. Reproductive Health Matters. May 1998. 6(11).p. 66-76.

Karkal, Malini. Population Control: State Sponsored Violence Against Women.
International Conference on Preventing Violence, Caring for Survivors: Role of health profession and services in violence. Nov 28-30, 1998. YMCA, Mumbai. p.88-94.

Karkal, Malini. Target Free Approach (TFA) and Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) as Population Policy Paper Presented at VIIIth National Conference of Women's Studies, 30th May to 2nd June 1998, SNDT University, Pune, Maharashtra.

Krishnamoorthy, S. Fertility Policy for India: Constant Number of Births, Replacement Level or Below Replacement Level Fertility?. The Journal of Family Welfare. Dec. 1994. 40(4). p. 45-50

Kulkarni, S. and Parasuraman, S. Future Implication's of India's Population Growth IASSI Quarterly. 16 (3 and 4). 1997. P. 23-31.

Mukhopadhyay, S and Savitri, R. Economic Development, Population Policy and Reproductive Choice Poverty, Gender and Repproductive Choice: An Analysis of Linkages. Chpter 1. Manohar 1998.p.126.

Panandiker, V A P and Umashankar, P K. Fertility Control-Induced Politics of India Social Change. September-December 1994. 24(3and4).p.42-53.

Rao, M. Neo-Eugenics: The Quinacrine Sterilisation of Women in India Women's Link. 3(3). July-September 1997. P. 12-15.

Reddy, P H. Population Policy Choices in India. Social Change. Sept. - Dec. 1994. 24 (3and4). P.86-92.

Roy, T K. Analysis of India's Population Policy: An Experience of Five Decades. IASSI Quarterly. 1997. 16(3and4).p. 11-22.

Sangwan, N and Maru, R M. The Target-Free Approach: An Overview. Journal of Health Management. 1(1). Jan-June 1999. P. 71-96.

Sen, Amartya. Population Policy: Authoritarianism versus Cooperation. Social Change. Sept-Dec. 1994.24( 3-4 ).P.20-35.

Sen, Gita. The World Program of Action: A New Paradigm for Population Policy. Environment. Jan/Feb 1995. 37(1).P.10-15, 34-37.

Srinivasan, K. Population Concern Before Independence In Indian Horizons, edited by OP Kejariwal. Indian Council for Cultural Relations. 45(3 and 4). P.ix, 385.



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