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Beliefs and Practices of Antenatal Mothers in a Rural Setting
a survey by students of Diploma in Community Health Nursing. The Nursing Journal of India. Jan 1995. 86(1).p.4-6.
Bhardwaj, N and others. Breast-Feeding and Weaning Practices - A Rural Study in Uttar Pradesh. The Journal of Family Welfare. March 1991. 39(1).p.23-29.
Bhat, T N. Social Change and Family Planning: A Study of Backward Classes. Man and Development. 20(2). June 1998. P. 115-145.
Caleb, L E and Townsend, J  W. The Lactational Amenorrhoea Method (LAM) for Birth Spacing in Uttar Pradesh, India
Population Council, Operations Research and Technical Assistance Project, 1996.
Chowdhry, P. Sexuality, Unchastity and Fertility: Economy of Production and Reproduction in Colonial Haryana. IN  Widows in India: Social Neglect and Public Action Edited by Martha Alter Chen. Sage Publication. P. 91-123.
Chinai, R. Women's Health is Men's Concern.  
Unpublished Article.
Dissanyake, L. Relative Impact of 'Starting, Spacing and Stopping Fertility Behaviour' in Sri Lanka. The Journal of Family Welfare. Sept 1996. 42(3).p.1-7.
Duary, N and Sahay, V S. Family Planning Practice: A Message From Indigenous World. Social Change. March-June 1997. 27(1 & 2).p.129-134.
Gupta, A and others. Women's Beliefs about Disease and Health. IN Touch Me, Touch-me-not: Women, Plants and Healing. Women's Beliefs about Disease and Health. Kali for Women. 1997. P. 66-91.
Hans, Gurmeet. Campaign for Promotion of Breastfeeding: Evolution, Experience and Future Directions. The Indian Journal of Social Work. April 1998. 59(2).p.581-598.
Kabir, Moslehuddin and others. Factors Affecting Discontinuation of Injectable Methods in Bangladesh. Journal of Family Welfare. 35(4). June 1989. P. 28-37.
Kanbargi, R and Kanbargi, S. Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Bangalore City : some findings from an exploratory study. The Journal of Family Welfare. March 1996. 42(1).p. 30-37.
Kanjilal, B. Young Women's Sexual and Reproductive Lives. Journal of Health Management. 1(1). Jan-June 1999. P. 143-149.
Kar, R K. Reproductive health behavior of the Nocte women in Arunachal Pradesh. Social Change. Decemberl993. 23(4).p.40-52.
Khan, M E And Patel, Bella C. Reproductive Behaviour of Muslims in Uttar Pradesh. The Journal of Family Welfare. March 1997. 43(1). P. 13-29.
Khandekar, J and others. Childbirth Practices Among Women in Slum Areas. The Journal of Family Welfare. Sept 1993. 39(3).p.13-17.
Malhi, Prabhjot. Preferences for the Sex of Children and its Implications for Reproductive Behaviour in Urban Himachal Pradesh. The Journal of Family Welfare. 45(1). April 1999. P. 23-30.
Malhi, Prabhjot. Influence of Gender Preference for Children on Fertility Behavior: a comparative study of men and women in Haryana. The Journal of Family Welfare. June 1995. 41(2).p.53-60.
Manocha, S and others. Cultural Beliefs and Practices Affecting the Utilisation of Health Services During Pregnancy. Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society. July 1992. 27(2).p.181-185
Mathur, Hari Mohan. Social and Cultural Influences on Fertility Behaviour. IN The Family Welfare Programme in India. Edited by Hari Mohan Mathur. Vikas Publishing. 1995.
Mishra, U S and others. Antenatal Care and Contraceptive Behavior in India: Some Evidence from the National Family Health Survey. The Journal of Family Welfare. June 1998. 44(2).p.1-14.
Mistry, M. Role of Religion in Fertility and Family Planning Among Muslims in India. Indian Journal of Secularism. 3(2). July-Sept 1999. P.1-33.
Mutharayappa, R. Factors Affecting Fertility Among Tribals. Man & Development. Dec. 1994. 16(4).p.63-79.
Nag, Moni. Beliefs and Practices about Food during Pregnancy. Economic and Political Weekly. Sept 10, 1994. P.2427-2438.
Reddy, Sunita. Breastfeeding - Practices, problems and prospects. The Journal of Family Welfare. December 1995. 41(4). P. 43-51.  
Sathar, Z and Casterline, J. The Onset of Fertility Transition in Pakistan. Population and Development Review. December 1998. 24(4).p.773-796.  
Shah, Rashmi and others. Lactation, postpartum amenorrhoea and abstinence after delivery in an urban population of Bombay. The Journal of Family Welfare. June 1993. 39(2). P. 22-25.
Sharma, A and Sharma, V. Sexual Knowledge and Practices of College Girls in Rural Gujarat, India. The Journal of Family Welfare. September 1996. 42(3).p.19-26.
Sumi, T. Clara. AIDS Awareness amongst Workers: a Myth or Reality?. The Catalyst. Newsletter of the National Foundation for India. 1999.2(1).p.7-10.
Tan, Poo and others. Do Fertility Intentions Predict Subsequent Behavior? Evidence from Penninsular Malaysia. Studies in Family Planning. July-Aug 1994. 25(4). P. 222-231.  
Thiruvenkitasamy, S. Economic Motivation and Fertility Behavior: A Comparison of Rural and Urban Areas in Tamil Nadu. The Journal of Family Welfare. March 1992. 38(1). P 68-79.
Upadhyay, J and Sharma, A K. Fertility Patterns and Family Planning Acceptance Among Slum Dwellers in Kanpur. The Journal of Family Planning. June 1995. 41(2).p.61-68.

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