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Acharya, R.; Sureender, S. Inter-spouse communication, contraceptive use and family size: relationship examined in Bihar and Tamil Nadu. The Journal of Family Welfare. December 1996. 42(4).p.5-11.

Arokiasamy, P . Poverty and Use of Contraceptive Methods.  

Asari, Gopalkrishnan V. Determinants of Contraceptive use in Kerala: The Case of Son/Daughter Preference . The Journal of Family Welfare. Sept 1994. 40(3). p.19-25.

Banerjee, Shubanker. Evaluating the Success of Injectable Contraceptives. Social Welfare. Feb 1997. 43(11). p.21-24.

Caleb, Leila E and Townsend, John W. The Lactational Amenorrhoea Method For Birth Spacing in Uttar Pradesh, India. Population Council, Operations Research and Technical Assistance Project, 1996.

Chandra, Savita. A Study of Copper-T 200 Acceptors. The Journal of Family Welfare. June 1996. 42(2).p.55-57.

Chinai, Rupa.: There Is No One to Hear. Unpublished Article.

Contraceptives: Our Choices, Their choices. Forum for Women's Health. IN Our Lives Our Health, edited by Dr. Malini Karkal. Co-ordination Unit. World Conference on women - Beijing. Aug 1995 .p.191.

Hossain, Mian Bazle and Phillips, James F. The Impact of Outreach on the Continuity of Contraceptive Use in Rural Bangladesh. Studies in Family Planning. March/April 1996. 27(2). p.98-106.

Ismail, M TM and Kwa, S.K. Prospective study of a Monophasic Oral Contraceptive Pill Containing 20 mcg Ethinyl Oestradiol and 150 mcg Progestrel (Mercilon TM)

Annika Johansson, Nguyen and others. Population Policy, Son Preference and the Use of IUDs in North Vietnam. Reproductive Health Matters. May 1998. 6(11).p. 66-76.

Kabir, M and others. Factors Affecting Discontinuation of Injectable Methods in Bangladesh. Journal of Family Welfare. 35(4). June 1989. P. 28-37.

Karkal, Malini. Norplant - A Long Acting Contraceptive Implant: A Critical Review. A Booklet published by Malini Karkal.

Khan, M E and others. The Quality of Family Planning Services in Uttar Pradesh from the Perspective of Service Providers. IN  Improving Quality of Care in India's Family Welfare Programme edited by Michael A. Koenig and M.E. Khan. Population Council. 1999. P.238-269.

Malhi, Prahbhjot and Jerath, Jagat. Is Son Preference Constraining Contraceptive Use in India? Guru Nanak Journal of Sociology. 18(2). October 1997. P. 77-92.

Mishra, U S and others. . Antenatal Care and Contraceptive Behavior in India: Some Evidence from the National Family Health Survey. The Journal of Family Welfare. June 1998. 44(2).p.1-14.

Emergency Contraception. ICMR Bulletin. 27(3). March 1997. P. 19-30.

Ram, F and others. Contraceptive Morbidity: Is it an Alarming Issue in India?. IASSI Quarterly. 1997. 16(3 & 4). p.159-171.

Rao, Mohan. Neo-Eugenics : The Quinacrine Sterilisation of Women in India. Women's Link. 3(3). July-September 1997. P. 12-15.

Ravindra, T K and Berer, Marge. Contraceptive Safety and Effectiveness: Re-Evaluating Women's Needs and Professional Criteria. Reproductive Health Matters. May 1994. No.3.p.6-11.

Karin, Ringheim. Male involvement and contraceptive methods for men: Present and future. Social Change. Sept-Dec 1996. 26(3-4).p.88-99.

Saha, Kalyan B and Chatterjee, Uma. Reproductive Rights in Contraceptive Practices. Health for Millions. Sept-Oct 1998.p.31-32.

Sarkar, Narendra Nath  Acceptability and efficacy of the female condom : a new barrier method. The Journal of Family Welfare. June 1996. 42(2). P. 41-48.

Shah, Iqbal H. Contraceptive Transition in Asia. Social Change.  September-December 1994. 24(3&4).p.118-126.

Shah, Rashmi S and others. Does Lactation Affect Intrauterine Device Performance? The Journal of Family Welfare. 44(4). December 1998. P. 63-65.

Sharma, A K and others. Patterns of Contraceptive Use by Residents of a Village in South Delhi. Indian Journal of Public Health. July-Sept, 1997. 41(3).p.75-78.

Singh, Onkar and Singh, A K. Population Growth and Family Planning in India: An Analysis. IN Strategies in Development Planning. Edited by Singh, Alok Kumar; Rai, Vinay Kumar; Mishra, Anand Prasad. Deep and Deep. P. 355-367.

Singh, Shiv Pal. Fertility Control of Female through Sesbani Sesbian Seeds. The Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine. Oct-Dec 1990. 9(4). p.27-32.

Sinha, R K. Maternal Health Care and Contraceptive Acceptance in Orissa : Evidence from a Baseline Survey. IASSI Quarterly. 1997. 16(3 & 4).

Srinivas, K Ravi and Kanakamala, K. Introducing Norplant: Politics of Coercion. Economic and Political Weekly. 27(29). 18 July (1992). P. 1531-1533.

Tamang, Anand. Induced Abortions and Subsequent Reproductive Behaviour Among Women in Urban Areas of Nepal. Social Change. Sept-Dec 1996. 26(3 & 4).p.271-285.

Wang, Duolao and others. Contraceptive failure and its subsequent effects in China : a two-stage event history analysis. Asia-Pacific Population Journal. March 1998. 13(1). P. 45-64.

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